Jun 23, 2009

Rains or No Rains???

Its been more than two whole days now since the first droplets sprinkled on the streets of Mumbai and we are still waiting for those famous(or rather infamous) heavy rains called the 'monsoon rains'! But there is some relief.... the weather's better now.... cool atmosphere.... nice breeze all throughout the day.... more cricket(now I can play in the afternoons too :D)...

Talking about rains, its kind of a general scenario everywhere. When it does not rain, people indulge in all kinds of rituals to make it rain, and when it does and doesn't stop, they pelt all sorts of curses back. But all of us have lots of memories associated with the monsoon - some good, some not so good. I have mine too... early morning walks at the Marine Drive watching those huge waves falling on the roads(my college was in the morning) or getting stuck in the 26 July floods and reaching back home after more more than 48 hrs(and various adventures associated with this one)... playing football, cricket in the rains or screwed up picnic plans due to excess rains... heavy downpour, trains jammed, "no college!!"or heavy downpour, stuck up in the trains for hours.... and how can I forget those days cuddled up in bed when its raining outside, and sometimes relishing on those hot bhajias or the days when you are lying in your bed due to flu and all you can eat is that bland dal chawal....

So, Rains or No rains??? I say - When its not raining, "Come, Oh Rains, its a very hot day, Little Johnny wants to play", and when it does, "Rain, Rain, Go away, Come again another day"

Anticipating some heavy downpour in the next 24 hours(that's what the met dept have said)... oh, and may be some days later you will read me hurling abuses at the rains asking it to go away... lol!

Before leaving, an interesting status msg of one of my friends-
"Theory and Practical are the same in Theory but not in Practical" :)
And no, I won't give him credit. Coz even he has lifted it from somewhere. :P


1 comment:

  1. that's honest..
    we finally know something more about you.
